Select Packages

Choose which destinations will appeal to the most attendees in your event. Our team will be happy to help you choose travel packages to be your biggest crowd-pleasers. Print and display as many as you like. No up-front costs = all packages consigned = no risk to you!


Showcase Them in Your Event

Whether your auction is live or silent, our packages will speak to your donors. You can sell as many packages as you like. Do you love one package more than others? Sell it multiple times to as many donors as you like, multiplying your profits as well.


Winners Redeem

Once you've reported your winners and made payment, we'll quickly email you the winner's Congratulations emails which includes an access link to our exclusive 24/7 reservations system. Simply forward those emails to your winners and we'll take care of the rest.

Your winners have access to our exclusive online resort selection and reservations system.

These resources empower your winners to book their vacation at their convenience 24/7/365.

We look forward to making each of your winner's vacation dreams a reality. Leverage our traveler feedback at your next event to create the marketing buzz you have always imagined.